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Good Penny Stocks

Are you searching for a hidden gem in the stock market? If yes, then penny stocks can be a game-changer for you. These stocks are usually low priced and have the potential to make your dream come true. The affordability nature of these stocks makes to easily accessible for many investors, but they usually come with significant risks. Undoubtedly, some of these stocks can deliver huge returns but others can make your huge loss.Nowadays penny stocks appeal to many investors because the low price a...


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SymboltickernamepricechangevolumeCurrent Market Capsma50
AEIAEI $1.47 27.83% 140,066 6,187,529.5 1.1
AMPXAMPX $1.08 13.68% 316,794 136,985,340 1.05
ATGLATGL $4.55 22.97% 1,306,955 0 2.51
BCTXBCTX $0.882 25.17% 786,351 26,473,912 0.68
BZUNBZUN $3.5 18.3% 405,772 0 2.41
CMTLCMTL $4.72 10.06% 1,306,904 62,927,148 3.27
COCO $2.988 34.58% 9,284,888 0 2.41
CRNCCRNC $2.978 11.13% 323,887 134,104,940 2.91
CTIBCTIB $2.4 21.83% 242,364 0 1.86
CUECUE $0.7 84.75% 969,776 79,045,390 0.66
DADADADA $1.82 10.3% 1,104,345 0 1.26
DTSSDTSS $2.37 13.94% 207,250 16,788,112 2.22
FLFVRFLFVR $0.23 15% 1,755,040 0 0.17
FNVTWFNVTW $0.02 11.11% 644,772 0 0.02
FPHFPH $4.17 17.46% 264,303 219,941,810 3.21
FTCIFTCI $0.639 18.6% 781,085 61,742,388 0.35
GEVOGEVO $1.71 15.54% 1,646,306 163,095,070 0.85
GGEGGE $0.036 23.76% 96,905,020 0 0.03
GRYPGRYP $0.74 19.24% 260,664 51,642,940 0.7
IGCIGC $0.415 20.19% 2,563,115 32,698,228 0.39
IHRTIHRT $1.71 12.5% 185,070 125,974,580 1.56
IPWIPW $1.87 13.33% 133,730 60,531,012 1.46
JFUJFU $1.99 48.34% 792,358 0 1.77
LULU $3.41 20.07% 1,743,902 0 2.55
LUNRWLUNRW $2.7 14.41% 116,741 0 1.35

Total Results : 45

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